DISS Outlets
Our DISS medical gas outlets incorporate several design features which make them superior to our competitor's outlet designs: - Frontall? front-loaded feature - easy to service, saving time and money - Double O-ring seal between the front and back bodies support 10 lbs at 2 inches without leaking - Double O-ring seal may be replaced without having to shut down the gas service - Durable, protective, scratch resistant vinyl label - Brass secondary check poppet (not plastic)
Last Update : 12:43:17 29/01/2016
Puritan Outlets
Our Puritan medical gas outlets incorporate several design features which make them superior to our competitor's outlet designs: - Double O-ring seal between the front and back bodies support 10 lbs at 2 inches without leaking - Double O-ring seal may be replaced without having to shut down the gas service - Durable, protective, scratch resistant vinyl label - Brass secondary check poppet (not plastic)
Last Update : 11:49:43 29/01/2016
Allied/Chemetron Outlets
Our medical gas outlets incorporate several design features which make them superior to our competitor's outlet designs: Double O-ring seal between the front and back bodies support 10 lbs at 2 inches without leaking Double O-ring seal may be replaced without having to shut down the gas service Durable, protective, scratch resistant vinyl label
Last Update : 11:43:44 29/01/2016
Medical Gas Outlet
Last Update : 13:26:22 29/01/2016

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Category Name : Medical Gas Equipment
DISS Outlets
Our DISS medical gas outlets incorporate several design features which make them superior to our competitor's outlet designs: - Frontall? front-loaded feature - easy to service, saving time and money - Double O-ring seal between the front and back bodies support 10 lbs at 2 inches without leaking - Double O-ring seal may be replaced without having to shut down the gas service - Durable, protective, scratch resistant vinyl label - Brass secondary check poppet (not plastic)
Last Update : 29/01/2559 12:43:17
Puritan Outlets
Our Puritan medical gas outlets incorporate several design features which make them superior to our competitor's outlet designs: - Double O-ring seal between the front and back bodies support 10 lbs at 2 inches without leaking - Double O-ring seal may be replaced without having to shut down the gas service - Durable, protective, scratch resistant vinyl label - Brass secondary check poppet (not plastic)
Last Update : 29/01/2559 11:49:43
Allied/Chemetron Outlets
Our medical gas outlets incorporate several design features which make them superior to our competitor's outlet designs: Double O-ring seal between the front and back bodies support 10 lbs at 2 inches without leaking Double O-ring seal may be replaced without having to shut down the gas service Durable, protective, scratch resistant vinyl label
Last Update : 29/01/2559 11:43:44

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